800 Green Iron Oxide

Alk. 11,63 

Green Iron Oxide pigment


Pigment is used for example tinting paint, concrete, lime mortar, cement, paper, and cardboard. The result of the colour depends on the amount of pigment used and of the binder that is used.

Using pigments to tint paint

When tinting water-soluble paints, the pigment should first be mixed with a small amount of water to make so called colour paste.

Pigment is mixed in water so that the paste becomes smooth and thick. The paste is added to the paint until the desired colour is achieved.

The amount of pigment should not be more than 10% of the total amount of tinted paint, because too large amount of pigment will weaken the ability of the paint to stick to its substrate and the paint will stain when surface is dry.

Therefore, white paint cannot be tinted to dark shades. The binder content of different paints varies, so the final colour always depends on the type of paint.

In the tinting of oil paints, the principle is the same as tinting water-soluble paints, but the pigment is first mixed into either turpentine or boiled linseed oil.

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