Vive la Peinture Uula Color!
Vive la Peinture Uula Color! Uula Linseed oil paint has been chosen for the restauration of the historically and internationally well-known Palace of Versailles and Louvre Art Museum in France. The project started four years ago and has included three years of testing and quality monitoring, during which Uula Linseed Oil Paint has been selected to be the best of the paints.
The valued and extensive project has been carried out by co-operating with Jean-Christophe Billaud who is the importer of Uula Color in France. In addition to these famous valuable buildings, cooperation with Billaud opens up new opportunities for Uula paints to be selected for painting and restoration projects for mansions, castles and other valuable buildings and monuments in France.
The trust for manufacturing traditional paint, the use of high quality and natural raw materials, acknowledging the requirements of the surface materials and product safety, and the appreciation of Finnish expertise are important values also for the paint manufacturer. We celebrate our valuable and unique honor and confidence towards our work and our products.